California Military Land Use Compatibility Analyst (CMLUCA)

CMLUCA allows you to determine if your project has the potential to affect areas important to military readiness. Gov. Code sections 65352, 65404, 65940, and 65944, amended by Senate Bill 1462 (Kuehl 2004) requires local planning agencies to notify the military whenever a proposed development project or general plan amendment meets one or more of the following conditions:

Is located within 1,000 feet of a military installation,
Is located within special use airspace, or
Is located beneath a low-level flight path
If you are a private applicant proposing a development project, or a city or county proposing a general plan amendment or update, you may use this program to determine whether your project meets any of the above threshold criteria. This program will generate a report with a map that indicates whether a copy of a project application or proposed action must be sent to the appropriate branch of the military by the local planning agency.

When using the application, browse to your development project, or use the search box to locate an address, city, or other feature. County staff can zoom to their county on the map by entering in the name of the county and the word county into the search box at the top of the screen. You can print this map. To obtain a printed text report for your county, select your county from the list at the top of the screen labeled county reports. Clicking on the map will quickly show if the location has any of the specific military designations, as described above. Use the print report button () to produce a report.